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Bar Licensing - Information & Examination

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 7:36 am
by fellex76
Bar License Application

Code: Select all

[b]In-Character Information[/b]

[b]Full Name:[/b] [i]Your Character's Name[/i]  
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] [i]MM/DD/YYYY[/i]  
[b]Current Occupation:[/b] [i]Your Character’s Job (if any)[/i]  
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Your In-Game Phone Number[/i]  
[b]Residential Address:[/b] [i]Your Character’s Address (if applicable)[/i]  

[b]Legal Experience & Education[/b]

[b]Law School Attended:[/b] [i]University Name or RP equivalent[/i]  
[b]Years of Experience:[/b] [i]Number of years practicing law (IC)[/i]  
[b]Have you passed the bar exam?[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]  
[b]Any previous legal work experience?[/b] [i]Yes/No – Explain[/i]  

[b]Why do you want to become a licensed lawyer in this city?[/b]  
[i]Provide a short IC explanation of why you want this role.[/i]  

[b]Do you have any criminal history? If so, explain.[/b]  
[i]Yes/No – Provide details if applicable.[/i]  

[b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]

[b]Discord Name & ID:[/b] [i]Your Discord Username#0000[/i]  
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Your IRL Age[/i]  
[b]Timezone:[/b] [i]Your Timezone (UTC, EST, etc.)[/i]  
[b]Previous RP Experience:[/b] [i]Yes/No – Provide details if applicable.[/i]  

[b]Do you understand and agree to abide by the server rules?[/b]  

[i]Your Character’s Name[/i]  
[i]Date of Application[/i]  

[b][size=130]Important Notes:[/size][/b]  
[*] All applications will be reviewed by the Bar Association.
[*] You may be called in for an IC interview.
[*] Providing false information may result in permanent disqualification.

[b]Thank you for applying. Your application will be reviewed within 48 hours.[/b]