Full Name: Kyle Goat
Date of Birth: 06/27/2001
Current Occupation: Trucker
Phone Number: 5202481117
Residential Address: No permanent residence
Legal Experience & Education
Law School Attended: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Years of Experience: First year at UOIUC
Have you passed the bar exam? Yes
Any previous legal work experience? Yes 5 years of officaly working as a legal aid and many more studying under a lawyer
Why do you want to become a licensed lawyer in this city?
I grew up my whole life being taught by my father and at this point im in to deep to do anything else.
Do you have any criminal history? If so, explain.
Out-Of-Character Information
Discord Name & ID: goatsatan
Age: 23
Timezone: CST
Previous RP Experience: Not specificly gtarp but a good amount of online ttrpg's and varius other kinds
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Kyle Goat