1. General Rules
- Non-Government factions are limited to a maximum of 30 members.
- If a legal faction attains official status, switching to a criminal faction is only allowed with prior approval from Faction Management.
- All roleplay must align with your faction's lore.
- Tazers must not be used on players moving in or from moving vehicles (e.g., a motorcycle or a police car).
- However, tazing a player at the moment they begin accelerating away (e.g., on a motorcycle) is permitted.
2. Backup Rules
- Factions are not allowed to seek assistance or backup from other factions unless it’s part of a pre-arranged, coordinated activity.
- Individuals with valid in-character (IC) reasoning may intervene in a situation they stumble upon but cannot call their faction for additional backup.
- Risk vs. reward considerations must be taken into account before interjecting.
- Joint frequencies may only be used for coordinated activities and are otherwise prohibited.
- Activities must primarily occur at a stationary location with a specific, achievable purpose.
- Activities involving travel between locations (e.g., "rolling labs") or faction hunting are not allowed.
- Chain activities (e.g., consecutive robberies) are considered a single activity with specific objectives.
- Everyone on a joint frequency must remain in the same area (including nearby surroundings, if required by the activity, such as scouting).
- Engagements en route to an activity location can only involve the associated faction.
- Sharing information about an active situation via calls or texts to request backup is considered an attempt to bypass these rules.
- Transporting members of multiple factions in the same vehicle for the purpose of utilizing both factions during backup situations is prohibited.
3. Drug Labs: Law Enforcement Response Rules
- Law enforcement must not patrol areas containing lab locations with the specific intent of locating an active lab or identifying criminals present.
- Surveillance in these areas for the sole purpose of spotting criminal activity is also prohibited.
- Exceptions apply when following or investigating a suspect who leads them to a lab.
- Officers must not bait players into entering a lab and then take action unless operational reasons justify the delay.
- For instance, delaying a traffic stop until the vehicle enters a lab is prohibited.
- Entry into drug labs is only permitted if a valid situation arises (e.g., pursuit, hearing/seeing firearms, surveillance on a person of interest, or another RP scenario that necessitates investigation).
- To maintain balance and fairness, law enforcement officers must forget IC knowledge of a lab location after a situation concludes.
- Law enforcement must disregard and report to staff any information from criminals regarding scripted static criminal locations (e.g., drug labs) if they recognize it originates from an active criminal player.